Chartered Building Engineers & Building Control Approver





Download the Registration Form, Part 1 (the Form) by right clicking on the button and requesting download, this should make the document local and available to complete in your previewer. This is a PDF fillable form, your software should allow you to complete it directly on any computer and you may use digital signatures in the Declaration. Please read the Section on Authorisation for further details. You must then use your own or your Agents email account to attach and send the Form to our email address on the Form, with any Plans, Structural Calculations or supporting details. We ask you to do this so we can validate your identity through your or your Agents email account.


If you wish to use a none IT method, please complete the Form in black clear lettering and post the Form with any Plans, Structural Calculations or supporting details to the Postal Address on the Form and allow additional time for delivery.


Scanning the completed and signed Form, with any Plans, Structural Calculations or supporting details and sending these electronically, as described elsewhere, is also acceptable.


In each case, please complete all parts of the form to the best of your ability, your email address, if you have one, is particularly important as we will use it to communicate certain documents to you. By sending the Form to us in any of the ways advised, you are agreeing to email, phone or text methods of communication to the email or phone number you provide unless you say otherwise. We will only communicate with you for strictly lawful purposes and in the furtherance of our business with you or your Agents.


Additionally, by sending the Form to us in any of the ways advised, you are authorising us to serve the Initial Notice (IN) on your behalf to legally establish BCP as your registered Building Control Approver (BCA). You will receive a copy of the IN and other Engagement documents a few days later for your records. 


If you are not entirely happy with anything BCP has done you may tell us in writing, please use the Contact Form and within 14 days, to cancel your Registration and reverse, as far as we are able, any use of your data which will then also be deleted from BCP systems. We would ask you first, to confirm with any Agent or Contractor that they have not engaged us on your behalf directly. This is often the case and it the Agent or Contractor who may be insistent on using our services.


Methods of digital authorisation will be accepted by all parties as an agreement, authorisation and contract between us after a 14 day period from service or sending, where within such period either side may withdraw without costs or liabilities. Also in relation to the Registration Form it will be an acceptable method of authorising of the Declaration of the form as though all parts were actually signed by the parties. 



A purpose of the Registration Form is to allow the authorisation, risk and resource validation of your Registration. This is a process which does not give or imply any technical approval of your project. Further, the process of validating your Registration commences when our central office has formal receipt of the Form. Your Registration may be held pending for a number of reasons, we will advise you of what needs to be done to correct the Registration and re-start the process as soon as possible. Your Registration may also be Refused, reasons for refusing validation will be explained to you. If the reasons for Refusal can be overcome to our satisfaction, you will have to re-register. You must carefully read all of these pages and be aware of your responsibilities under the Regulations.


On completion of our validation process, we will advise you of the outcome. If validation is successful we will then serve the Initial Notice (IN) and provide an Engagement pack to the Client and or the Agent confirming what has been done to date and what is needed to progress the Registration to the Assessment and Consultation stage.


If the Applicant or Agent on the Registration Form does nor appear to be the property owner, we will communicate our involvement to them and a summery of what has been agreed on their behalf. It is important and a requirement of our performance standards that as far as is reasonable, all relevant parties should be aware of the process being carried out.



We have to ask you to, in one of the ways notified, complete and return our Registration Form for validation before we are able to carry out any further administrative or professional services for you. Please note that if you make a request to register a project with a staff member, Branch or Registered Building Inspector (RBI), this is of no-effect until received, processed and validated by our central office. 


You or your Agent, will receive conformation of the successful validation or alternatively, that your request is held pending or has been rejected. Until successful validation is received you must not start work on site. If you do the Regulations requires that an registered Building Control Approver cannot act for you and the project must then be transferred to the Local Authority’s enforcement team. They are then the only body able to deal with your project when relevant work is commenced without approval. We will also have to charge the client our fee as described in our Terms and Conditions.



If you make a request for Registration and our central office can not validate your request then we may return your request as rejected or hold it pending whilst we contact you to complete or rectify unsatisfactory elements of your request. Whilst your request is rejected or held pending, no other administrative or professional services will be carried out, your request will be deemed off no-effect until validated. Again, you must not commence work on site during any period that your request is deemed as refused or pending by our central office.



Whilst we require the Registration Form to be completed in full in all cases there are differing ways of authorising your acceptance in this digital age. These are explained below as one may be more convenient than another, the purpose of each however, is to ensure we are able to identify you as a legal client or that you are represented by a duly authorised Agent and that, in either case, we can reasonably establish that we have your agreement, knowledge and authorisation to proceed with a number of legal and contractural matters. These procedures may be audited from time to time by both the GDPR Data Commissioner for private data subjects and the Building Safety Regulator and or the Health and Safety Executive for all Classes of projects. 


It should be noted that a single client authorising the Registration accepts that they are warranting to us that they have the agreement and authority of all clients represented in the project. An example would be a common partnership or marriage where one party only signs the form but the property and therefore, the application to develop is relevant to all parties who have a stake in the property. It would be preferable that each stakeholder gives a separate authorisation to avoid disputes later in the projects life cycle.



These principals also apply to Agents providing authorisation on behalf of a Client. If you are the Agent of a Client, your authorisation is as though your client were providing that authorisation and it is binding on them. You must provide a declaration that, as the client duly authorised Agent, that you have the Clients knowledge and authorisation to counter authorise the Registration Form on their behalf.


General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)

If you are a private person, defined as a data subject under the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) your private data you supply to us is protected. We take seriously the rights you have under this legislation and operate to ensure our compliance and your protection.


In authorising the Form and using the web-site Contact Form in any of the ways described, the Client will be asked to positively agree, directly or by proxy of their Agent, to our GDPR Data Policy (GDP) to use, process, store, transmit and share personal data for lawful purposes. It is also agreed that a single Client is also providing ourselves with the implied authorisation of all stakeholders of the property as described in the Clients section.


Authorisation to Proceed

In addition to the specific agreement under the GDPR relevant to a Private Data Subjects, a generic authorisation to proceed is also required. For all requests for Registration we require your authorisation, as described by the Form Declaration to proceed specifically with the signing of documents we must serve on your behalf to establish our position as your registered Building Control Approver, the principal, but not the only, document is referred to as the Initial Notice (IN). A copy of this document will be provided to the Client and or Agent for your records. 


Initial Notice

The service of the Initial Notice (IN) has a statutory five working day period, plus any validation or pending days, where certain details are further validated, work must not have commenced on site in this period. It is possible that the IN can be again held pending or rejected for several reasons, such as the work has commenced on site before expiry of the default period. In such a case we will advise you of the reasons and what if anything we can agree to progress your project. If the reason is such that there has been a breach of the procedural regulations then the project must be transferred or reverted to the Local Authority.


Assuming IN validation, we will require Plans, Structural Calculations, Specifications and Compliance Certification along with agreeing a Site Inspection Regime (SIR) with you. When the requested documents are submitted by you and approved, we will be able to commence the site inspections we have agreed.



If you have not received or you require a quotation before Registration then please send your project details, including class, use, unit numbers, site address, contract length and net estimated project cost, by the Contact Form on the contact page of this website, selecting Quotation. We will return a fee quotation and or explanation and terms back to your given email address. If the quotation is acceptable then return here and complete the Registration process.


Terms and Conditions

We will ask you to confirm your acceptance of our Terms and Conditions of business. Without this we cannot proceed or provide any service to you. Please ensure you are able to agree these, they are available to review on this website and can be provided in large print.


Registration Form Extracts

For clarity, from the Registration Form the Declaration you will give and also from the Registration Form Notes section theses are reproduced here, the references refer to the Sections of the the Registration Form:



We hereby instruct you to proceed with this engagement, if signed by a duly authorised agent (S2), the agent undertakes to have the knowledge and authorisation of the clients (S1) to instruct this engagement and GDPR private data usage, on behalf of the clients (S1). The instruction includes, in either case, 1) the authorisation for Building Control Partnerships Ltd, as the registered Building Control Approver, to sign on behalf of the clients, (S1), the Initial Notice and all subsequent notices or communications, 2) you have read and agree to Building Control Partnerships Ltd’s Terms and Conditions of business, 3) that, under the GDPR, you give express permission for personal data to be used, processed, stored and transmitted lawfully and in accordance with Building Control Partnership Ltd’s, GDPR, personal data policy. All referenced documents are available on request, this agreement is in the plural, the singular applies and vice-versa, a gender shall include all other gender.












This page is continuing to be added to with further details, if it is relevant to you please come back here to review any additions or revisions.